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 Chicken soto with lontong

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Chicken soto with lontong Empty
PostSubyek: Chicken soto with lontong   Chicken soto with lontong Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 3:46 pm

Chicken soto with lontong

"Lontong is traditionally made by partly cooking the rice and packing it tightly into a rolled-up banana leaf. The leaf is then secured and cooked in boiling water for about 90 minutes. Once it is cooled, the rice compacts and can be cut up into bite-sized pieces".

To Boil :
2 inch cinnamon stick , 6 cloves , 6 cardamoms , 1 star anise , 2 bay leaves , 4 screwpine leaves - tied into a knot , , few mint leaves - Tied into a bundle in a muslin cloth
1 chicken skinned and cut into 20 pcs
8 C water
4 tbsp ginger and garlic paste
2 chilli padi , pounded
3 tsp meta curry pwd
2 tomatoes , cubed
1 carrot , sliced
1 onion , cubed
To Serve :
500 g Lontong cut into small cakes
2 tbsps each fried shallots , celery leaves , corriander leaves , spring onions - chopped
How to make it

Boil everything and simmer for 15 mins until the meat is tender
Scoop the chicken out and shred the meat
Discard the bundle of spices and the bones
Put the shredded meat back into the soup
To Serve :
Divide them equally in 5 bowls
Top with soup and chicken pieces
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