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Guy Gowan - Adobe Photoshop-Cosmetic Techniques DVDRip I_vote_lcapGuy Gowan - Adobe Photoshop-Cosmetic Techniques DVDRip I_voting_barGuy Gowan - Adobe Photoshop-Cosmetic Techniques DVDRip I_vote_rcap 
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 Guy Gowan - Adobe Photoshop-Cosmetic Techniques DVDRip

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Guy Gowan - Adobe Photoshop-Cosmetic Techniques DVDRip Empty
PostSubyek: Guy Gowan - Adobe Photoshop-Cosmetic Techniques DVDRip   Guy Gowan - Adobe Photoshop-Cosmetic Techniques DVDRip Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2011 3:23 am

Guy Gowan - Adobe Photoshop-Cosmetic Techniques DVDRip 1302093426
Guy Gowan - Adobe Photoshop-Cosmetic Techniques DVDRip
English | XviD 640x480 12fps | mp3 128kbps | 484 MB
Genre: VideoTraining

In this DVDRip you will learn how to use Adjustment Layers and Calculations, producing Alpha Channel Masks which are used to add shape and proportion to the following retouching techniques: Lines and wrinkles, hot-spot areas, image lightening, lips, eyes, sharpening, skin smoothing, and adding realistic make-up.
Finally, due to the non-destructive nature of this advanced workflow, we can spend time adjusting the effects to create more a balanced and convincing final image.
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