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 Counter-Strike Source v.55 (FullRip/2010)

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Counter-Strike Source v.55 (FullRip/2010) Empty
PostSubyek: Counter-Strike Source v.55 (FullRip/2010)   Counter-Strike Source v.55 (FullRip/2010) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 1:58 pm

Counter-Strike Source v.55 (FullRip/2010) 9a3117f5d60901ce09749266f06ebc15
Counter-Strike Source v.55 (FullRip/2010)
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Developer: Electronic Arts
Language: En,Rus
Size: 1.3 Gb

The next version of the world's best online action. Combines an award-winning team shooter Counter-Strike with advanced technology Source ™. With the relevant latest developments and technical thought graphics, fully updated sound and realistic physics, Counter-Strike: Source simply must take pride of place in the collection of every fan of the genre "action." Ladies and gentlemen! You no longer need to download gigabytes of files with each update Valve, we do everything for you. Just run the autopatcher.

- Fixed issue with players "stacking" on ladders. Players are no longer prevented from moving off a ladder when they are in contact with a player beneath them.
- Fixed UI issue causing Steam dialog boxes to be unreadable over certain backgrounds.
- Fixed a bug which allowed players to move the bomb with + use when sv_turbophysics was enabled.
- Fixed a bug that caused crosshair to expand when attempting to fire an empty gun or when holding trigger on pistols.
- Players are no longer kicked for team killing during mp_spawnprotectiontime if mp_autokick is not enabled.
- Fixed a bug which caused incorrect FoV on zoomed sniper rifles after reload.
- Fixed FoV on wide-screen display modes.
Fixed a bug where the player crouching / standing animations were delayed until after (from the player's local viewpoint).
- Changed the way that scope zooming works so that it is no longer affected by client-server latency, and zooming begins immediately for the local player. This fixes an issue that would give an advantage to lower ping players and penalize higher ping players.
- Fixed animation problem caused by aborting bomb plant by switching weapons ("crab walk").
- Crosshairs now have customizable size, thickness, and color:
o cl_crosshairsize specifies the size of the crosshair in pixels at 640x480 resolution
o cl_crosshairthickness specifies the thickness of the crosshair in pixels at 640x480 resolution
o The crosshair now scales proportionately for all screen resolutions. This replaces the old scaling behavior, and the cvar cl_crosshairscale is no longer used. Players can revert to old crosshair behavior by setting cl_legacy_crosshair_scale to 1.
o Setting cl_crosshaircolor to 5 enables the use of custom crosshair colors, specified by cvars cl_crosshaircolor_r, cl_crosshaircolor_g, and cl_crosshaircolor_b.
o The default of cl_crosshairuseapha has been changed to 1. Alpha blending makes the crosshair much more visible on new HDR maps, and it is recommended that existing players enable this setting manually or through the options interface (Multiplayer-> Crosshair appearance-> Translucent).
o Cvar cl_legacy_crosshair has been renamed to cl_legacy_crosshair_recoil for consistency.
- Fixed inverted translucency preview on crosshair configuration panel.
- Fixed crash in custom maps using the trigger_camera entity
- Fixed a bug which caused incorrect zoom for a spectator watching a player with a sniper rifle.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if a player disconnected shortly after attacking a bot.

System requirements:
- Operating system: Windows ® XP / Vista / 7
- Processor: Pentium 4 2.8 GHz
- Memory: 512 MB
- Video card: 128 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible
- Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card
- Free zheskom drive: 3 GB
- DirectX ® Version: DirectX 9.0c

Counter-Strike Source v.55 (FullRip/2010) 7bb118c04f65afaa623001d154a873a2
Counter-Strike Source v.55 (FullRip/2010) Fe4e887d4404de52af6c6f89c1df9e65
Counter-Strike Source v.55 (FullRip/2010) 041e62e4a504bc9fc114f26f0c8aae8d



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